This is why we explore your corporate culture

"Culture eats strategy for breakfast". 

The famous quote by economist and management consultant Peter Drucker illustrates: A strategy ("know what, when, where") can only be successfully implemented, if it fits the corporate culture ("know how").

For forward-looking companies, it is crucial to understand, promote, and question their own culture – especially in times of mobile working. Because: From remote locations, it is sometimes difficult to maintain the commitment of employees to the company.

Corporate culture as a success driver

Culture and growth are closely linked. A global study by Heidrick & Struggles (2021) shows, for example, that CEOs of particularly successful companies place a major focus on their own corporate culture.

The surveyed CEOs are convinced that culture influences financial performance and is linked to corporate strategy. Accordingly, in these particularly successful companies (which, by the way, only represent 11 % according to the survey), the corporate culture is actively shaped and promoted by the management.

Working remotely requires a strong culture

A corporate culture manifests and consolidates itself in everyday life, in behaviour, in direct conversations with colleagues and artifacts (e.g. the furniture). These aspects are largely lost in working remotely.

Another aspect is that norms and values lose their prominence when working mobile. This means that employees are missing an important guideline.

Consequently, this means that if the corporate culture is experienced less, commitment to the company also decreases.

"Leadership from afar" therefore requires a strong and clear corporate culture. We help you to explore and understand your employees' view of your company and their perception of your corporate culture. 

Generation Z cannot be reached with career plans

The "OK Boomer" meme sums up the communication problems between the generations. Companies need a culture that is attractive to younger generations and yet authentic and not chumming up.

These new constellations of values must be taken into account: "Collecting successes, observations and experiences together" is the motto of Gen Z. One does not reach them with career plans, but with a sense of purpose and meaning.

GIM c.o.r.e. helps you to explore and understand the perception of your company and its culture across the generations. In doing so, we reveal those aspects of corporate culture that lead to sustainable employee retention.